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  • 产品型号:英国诺霸
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2016-03-25
  • 访  问  量:4030

        襄阳德而尼自动化设备有限公司英国诺霸Norbar系列扭力扳手,系列国折扣55折,英国诺霸Norbar是球的扭矩专家,专门的扭矩拧紧和测量设备的设计,开发和生产和的工厂之。诺霸是*的的扭矩设备制造商能够提供扭矩工具和仪器校准和重校准服务,以原厂标准在四洲。NATA认可的实验室在阿德莱德,南澳利亚州和NVLAP认可的实验室在Willoughby,俄亥俄,美国工厂的UKAS认可的实验室使用相同的设备和程序。现在,的SAC-SINGLAS实验室在加坡为亚洲客户有相同的设施。此外,多数的诺霸分销商提供维修,校准和重校准服务。些公顷已校准地方标准组织的认证。诺霸拥有的创始人比尔Brodey的纯粹的后裔,他们仍然热衷于为客户提供品质,物有所值的产品和服务的值的每点。诺霸成立于1942年。“北酒吧工具公司”(如诺霸当时的名称),成为*家在英国的商业化生产的扭矩扳手。初的需求驱动需要的垫圈准确地收紧了罗尔斯罗伊斯的默林发动机的气缸盖。,比尔Brodey和他的合伙人欧内斯·Thornitt获得了英国在战争期间的政府许可开始制造的扭矩扳手诺霸诞生了。从那时起,诺霸继续投资在的设计,制造和质量控制技术,实现转矩控制设备领域的水平的创和精准的。襄阳德而尼自动化设备有限公司诺霸系列扭力扳手,询,:,,:http://www.san17.com. torque of the world's leading experts, dedicated to one of the torque tightening and measuring equipment design, development and production of the most advanced and largest factory. is the only torque equipment manufacturer to provide the torque tool and instrument calibration and re-calibration services to original factory standard on four continents. NATA accredited laboratory in Adelaide, South Australia and NVLAP accredited laboratory in Willoughby, Ohio, U.S. factory UKAS accredited laboratory using the same equipment and procedures. Now, the new SAC-SINGLAS laboratory in Singapore for Asian customers have the same facilities. In addition, most of the distributors to provide maintenance, calibration and re-calibration services. Number of hectares have been calibrated local standards certification organizations. Pure descendants of the founder, Bill Brodey of has, they are still keen on providing customers with high quality, value for money products and services, the value of each point. The company was founded in 1942. North Bar Tool Company "(as was then known), became the first commercial production in the UK torque wrench. The initial demand-driven gasket tighten the cylinder head of the Rolls-Royce Merlin engines. Bill Brodey and his partner Ernest · Thornitt obtained the British during the war, the government's permission to start manufacturing torque wrenches was born. Since then, continue to invest in innovation and precision of the latest design, manufacturing and quality control techniques, the highest level in the field of torque control equipment. Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. Xiangyang Germany while Nepal the special wholesale torque wrench, please call inquiry :0710 -3072626 :0710 -3449965 Website: http://www.san17.com



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襄阳德而尼自动化设备有限公司 公司地址:湖北省襄阳市丹江路17号   技术支持:化工仪器网
  • 电  话:0710-3439965
  • QQ:12730637
  • 公司传真:0710-3449965
  • 邮箱:yemengsan@163.com

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