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扭力扳手Torque Wrench

发布时间: 2011-11-02  点击次数: 3369次

当所发出的"卡塔"是由本身内部的扭距释放结构产生的,其结构分为压力弹簧,扭距释放关节,扭距顶杆三结构所组成.  2,在发出"卡塔"声后是提示以达到你要求的扭距值了.3,*在扭距扳手设定所需扭距值(由弹簧套在顶杆向扭距释放关节施压),锁定扭距扳手开始拧紧螺栓,当螺栓达到扭距值后(当使用扭力于弹簧的压力后)会产生瞬间脱节的应.在产生脱节应的瞬间发出关节敲击扳手金属外壳所发出的"卡塔"声.由此来确认达到扭距值的提醒作用.(其实就象我们手臂关节成15度弯曲放在铁管里瞬间申直后会碰到钢管的原理样).以所说是常用的扭力扳手,除此之外还有电动扭力扳手、风动扭力扳手等。扭力扳手使用方法如下:1:逆时针转动手柄处微调旋钮2:转动旋钮设定刻度3:顺时针转动微调钮锁定扭矩4:使用时到设定扭矩会发出“嘀哒”声,则停加力。www.san17.com

Torque wrench to issue "Cartagena," the principle of sound can be divided into the following steps to explain.
1, when issued "Kata" is released by its own internal structure of torque, and its structure is divided into pressure spring, the release of the joint torque, torque ejector structure composed of three 2, the issue of "Kata" after the prompt in order to achieve the sound you required torque value of .3, the first in the torque wrench to set the desired torque value (set by the spring on the plunger to release the joint torque pressure, locking torque wrench to tighten the bolts started, when the bolt to torque value (when using the torque is greater than the pressure of the spring after will produce an instant effect of touch in the issue arising out of touch the moment the joint effect of metal percussion wrench "issued by Kata "sound. thus to achieve the torque values ​​confirm the reminder. in fact, as we arm bent 15 degrees on the joints of iron pipes in the instant application straight pipe will encounter the same principle.) mentioned above is the most common torque wrench, in addition to electric torque wrenches, pneumatic torque wrenches and so on. Torque wrench as follows: 1: Turn the handle fine-tuning knob 2: Turn the knob to set the scale 3: fine-tuning knob clockwise rotation locking torque 4: used to set the torque will be issued a "tick" sound, then the stop on the afterburner. 
襄阳德而尼自动化设备有限公司销售各种品牌的扭力扳手,洽谈。(Xiangyang German and Nepalese Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. Sales of all brands of torque wrenches, please call to discuss.)


襄阳德而尼自动化设备有限公司 公司地址:湖北省襄阳市丹江路17号   技术支持:化工仪器网
  • 电  话:0710-3439965
  • QQ:12730637
  • 公司传真:0710-3449965
  • 邮箱:yemengsan@163.com

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