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新闻资讯 / news 您的位置:网站首页 > 新闻资讯 > 凯尼派克*的钳子专家


发布时间: 2013-06-21  点击次数: 7321次

       德国凯尼派克公司成立于1882年,位于德国伍珀塔尔工业重镇,拥有锻模、锻造、精磨、抛光、包装等在内的所有生产流程,确保每件产品都严格按照凯尼派克的品质要求进行生产。公司直致力于钳子的研究和 开发,努力追求在产品性能和功能的表现,并开发出目前世界完整的顶极钳子系列产品,拥有多个产品和系列,成为同类产品在世界范围内的。“材料、技术、创理念和合作伙伴”是凯尼派克立足于市场的宝典所在,并将在未来继续发扬光,



      Germany Kenny Parker was founded in 1882, is located in the industrial city of Wuppertal, Germany, has a forging die, forging, grinding, polishing, packing, etc., all production processes to ensure that every product is in strict accordance with Kenny Parker quality requirements for production. The company has been committed to the research and development of pliers, strive for product performance and functionality in a perfect performance, and the development of the world's most complete climax pliers series, with multiple patented products and series, a similar product in the world within enterprises. "High-quality materials, cutting-edge technology, innovative ideas and Partners" is Kenny Parker's book based on the high-end market where, and will continue to flourish in the future,
        Knipex pliers as the soul, so no matter what you buy KNIPEX pliers, its quality is unsurpassed, cost is particularly high on, if you are a fine pair of pincers requires people to buy Kenny Parker bought the right.
       Each of the Knipex pliers main criteria for selection from the raw material used according to specifications for the proper emphasis on the pliers, the precise use as required. Thereby to select the steel used. All of our steel processing factories are strictly in accordance with the selection criteria Kenny Parker.
       Each of the production process from Knipex pliers all important processing steps, from forging, machining, hardening and surface treatment - and through the most advanced equipment and strict quality control system. Our whole system from design to finished product shipments are based on continuous monitoring and ISO9001: 2000 quality system strictly controlled. .




襄阳德而尼自动化设备有限公司 公司地址:湖北省襄阳市丹江路17号   技术支持:化工仪器网
  • 电  话:0710-3439965
  • QQ:12730637
  • 公司传真:0710-3449965
  • 邮箱:yemengsan@163.com

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